Oracle Magazine March 2013

Oracle Magazine March 2013

Cloud Documentaries | In this issue of Oracle Magazine, real organizations use Oracle public and private cloud solutions—including Oracle Cloud, Oracle Database, and Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c—to put their own customers first, integrate cloud and legacy information systems, move their standards-based cloud solutions between different cloud service providers, deploy solutions in Oracle Cloud and private cloud environments, and more. See “Utility Computing in the Cloud” (page 24) and “Banking on a Private Cloud” (page 30) in this issue to learn more about how three organizations use and benefit from Oracle cloud solutions.

The Oracle Cloud and Oracle private cloud solutions featured in this issue also rely on Oracle engineered systems, including Oracle Exadata and Oracle Exalogic. And because these are real-world stories, no mainframes of any kind were used in the successful deployment of and access

In movies and television shows, information technology is often scaled down to fit the story. That magically computed result, that missing electronic file, and that unknown password that will stop something bad or start something good can go from nonexistent to resolved in one brief scene. And for historical reasons, I suppose, the significant computing power in most screen fiction seems to come from a vintage mainframe— rather than a modern supercomputer or engineered system.

I haven’t seen too many references to cloud computing in movies or on television, but those that I have seen seem limited to the idea that a treasured file or information the hero or villain may be looking for is safe from local mayhem because it is safely stored “in the cloud.” Fortunately, the fact that a movie or television show delivers a very narrow definition of cloud computing as internet-located storage isn’t likely to break the on-screen story or reduce the entertainment value of a production.

Cloud Business Stories

At the same time, the fact that enterprise cloud computing is much bigger than internet storage isn’t guaranteed to give cloud a bigger or more detailed definition on the big and small screens. To start, enterprise cloud computing is about the infrastructure, platform, and application services deployed in public, private, and hybrid clouds that support the business. That big beginning could also be part of why it’s easier in a movie plot to point to the internet and call it the cloud.

But if a movie wanted to show what enterprise cloud computing means for business, it would have to go big. A comprehensive look at cloud would have to include the aforementioned themes of infrastructure, platform, and application services along with cloud management, security, integration, development, social computing, mobility, business intelligence, big data, and more. And a discussion about potential cloud challenges would include siloed information, control and visibility, data privacy and regulatory compliance, proprietary architectures, and vendor lock-in.

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Oracle Magazine January 2013

Oracle Magazine January 2013

This issue of Oracle Magazine presents and celebrates the winners in all of the 2012 Oracle Excellence Awards programs, including the Oracle Excellence Awards for CIO of the Year, Technologist of the Year, and Database Administrator of the Year.

Managing nominations, judging, trophy design and delivery, events, publicity, and more across 12 awards programs is no small collection of responsibilities. Oracle Global Customer Programs oversees the 12 Oracle Excellence Awards programs, coordinates many of these activities, and deserves much congratulations and thanks for all of its efforts. The judging processes vary across the different awards categories, but several programs — including Technologist of the Year — use Oracle user group leaders as judges. Thanks to these community leaders for volunteering their time and expertise. Thanks also to the nominators, designers, and everyone else who worked behind the scenes.

Finally, on behalf of Oracle Magazine, congratulations and thanks to all of the Oracle Excellence Awards winners.

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Oracle Magazine November 2012

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oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerI didn’t count the number of conversa-tions I had or heard that included the word, but I’m quite comfortable saying that cloudwas the word of the week at Oracle’s conferences and events in San Francisco, California, September 29 through October 5, 2012. There were announcements focused explicitly on Oracle cloud technologies and solutions, but cloud was also a big part of every Oracle product, technology, and service announcement and discussion.

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s Sunday keynote at Oracle OpenWorld 2012 was about cloud computing, including the history of cloud computing going back to NetSuite in 1998 and the beginnings of Oracle Fusion Applications development in 2004. Ellison discussed public and private clouds, the levels of cloud services—software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS)—and their key components, and Oracle’s latest offerings in each of these service areas.

Ellison talked about Oracle technologies designed specifically for better cloud com-puting, from infrastructure and private cloud services to database multitenancy and engi-neered systems. He also unveiled the latest Oracle engineered systems releases and discussed their infrastructure and platform support for cloud computing.

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Oracle Magazine on Pojok Programmer

Oracle Magazine September 2012

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oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerOracle Magazinepublishes some small amount of Oracle news every 60 days, and that’s not an apology or false modesty on behalf of the magazine. Oracle generates far more news about products, strategy, and tech-nology in a two-month period than we could possibly fit in the pages of this publication. (Take a look at the Oracle press release feed at to see what I mean—and to search for the latest Oracle news.)

Information technology news is also the kind of news that benefits from several dif-ferent approaches, formats, and presenta-tions. Oracle Magazinestrives to present Oracle news in news briefs and interviews, community briefs, customer reference stories, technology how-to content, and anal-ysis. But even these variations are not enough to guarantee that organizations have the news they need to see the potential impact the latest Oracle products, strategy, and tech-nology could have on their own operations.

Fortunately, as the volume of news about Oracle and Oracle technology has continued to expand, it has gotten easier to sepa-rate into components and address with a tighter focus. The aforementioned Oracle press releases are now broken into bite-size bullets, suitable as launch points for social media conversations. Oracle Web pages, data sheets, white papers, customer case studies, and newer-media assets including podcasts, Webcasts, and videos present new infor-mation in all sizes, to fit the time you have and the approach you’re looking for when exploring any area of Oracle technology.

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Oracle Magazine on Pojok Programmer

Oracle Magazine July 2012

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oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerThe ComputerWorld article gives examples of the many types of information contained in tables on the Web and points out that pro-gramming languages have developed features specifically for working with information in tables. The hard part of the “data stored in tables” truth presented in the article appears to be that tables are not new, but rather are years-old constructs that have organized the information of the internet in clearly defined structures. The article also points out that NoSQL isnew, but the hard truth there is that NoSQL is also about data in tables.

To me, the fact that most of the Web is data stored in tables is fantastic. The down-side to that truth is that only mostof the Web is in tables. And as for the hard truth that even a newer technology like NoSQL works with data in tables, I see only benefit in adding new capabilities for the structures that already contain most of the information of the Web.

Like many people, I’ve counted on tables—on the Web and in intranet applica-tions—for Web transactions and interactions as well as for storage and access to various types of information for years. For internal projects, I’ve used relational database tables in situations where I first did not understand how using tables would help, but in each case the truth was that using the tables was convenient and definitely added value to both the process and the result.

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Oracle Magazine on Pojok Programmer

Oracle Magazine May 2012

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oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerEach issue of Oracle Magazinecollects different editorial content in familiar sections and a particular order. And just as every editorial piece is designed to have an interesting beginning, a constructive middle, and a conclusive end, the various sections of the magazine are arranged for a similar flow. From Up Front, At Oracle, and Community to Features, Technology, and Comment, the idea is to give the magazine a beginning that makes you want to pick it up (in print), click it (for digital), or tap it open (for mobile distributions); a middle that provides infor-mation and awareness about Oracle and the Oracle community; and an end that makes you look forward to the next issue.

The beginning of each issue, the very first section and page, is key to getting readers to pick up or open the magazine. And that beginning is the cover. The discussion about what story to put on the cover of this particular issue of the magazine was a brief one. How to put that story—featuring Marvel’s The Avengers—on the cover was a much longer conversation. The solution: this issue of Oracle Magazinehas been published with six different covers, each highlighting one of the Marvel super heroes. Each cover version is numbered—1 through 6—in the “Special Collector’s Issue” logo.

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Oracle Magazine on Pojok Programmer

Oracle Magazine March 2012

oracle magazine free download dunia database programmer

oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerMy search for clarity on big data began a couple of years ago, and the initial challenges were many. First, as an editor, I often query or delete the word bigin descriptions of technology problems and solutions, because bigas a descriptor in enterprise technology doesn’t usually add much value. (In Oracle Magazine’s coverage of enterprise-class Oracle platforms, frameworks, and tools that manage the ever-growing volumes and types of structured and unstructured data in today’s information explosion, the word big may also be redundant.)

Second, in my initial search for definitions and descriptions of big data, I found what seemed to be different definitions from dif-ferent companies. And although I also found some comfort in editorial content substan-tiating my opinion that the definitions of big data at the time were variable, that same content didn’t help with my understanding of big data as a technology.

Finally, the examples of information included in big data stores and the tech-nologies that used them were as variable as big data’s definitions. And most examples seemed to be presented as new data silos for specific industries, making the applica-tion of an example to another industry a challenging task.

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Oracle Magazine on Pojok Programmer

Oracle Magazine January 2012

oracle magazine free download dunia database programmer

oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerSome things defy description. And sometimes trying to describe such things helps to make that point. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams has such a description: “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” When people who have never been to Oracle OpenWorld ask me to describe it, I often borrow from Adams and begin my description with “Oracle OpenWorld is big.”

I usually then go on to number the different venues, the street closures, the hotels, the tents, the attendees, and so on. After Oracle OpenWorld 2011, however, I’m going to start mentioning the number of industrydisrupting news announcements that come out of this event.

A typical Oracle OpenWorld San Francisco experience is a collection of news, education, networking, socializing, sightseeing, and more. In the area of news, Oracle OpenWorld is a launchpad for Oracle and its partners to make really big announcements, a place for everyone to take in that information, and an opportunity for all manner of media to comment on it. Oracle OpenWorld 2011 certainly did not disappoint anyone looking for big news.


Menguji Hasil Instalasi Oracle XE

Pada artikel sebelumnya Sudah dijelaskan tentang Oracle Database XE. Mudah-mudahan Anda sudah mencoba mengunduh dan menginstallnya. Untuk menguji hasil instalasi Oracle Database XE pada komputer Anda, lakukanlah sejumlah langkah-langkah berikut ini:

  1. Jika browser internet Anda belum menampilkan homepage Oracle Database XE maka jalankan browser Anda dan ketikkan alamat beikut ini,
  2. Berikut ini adalah tampilan homepage Oracle Database XE dalam browser Anda.
    Oracle XE Login
  3. Login sebagai user SYSTEM dengan password yang Anda tentukan pada saat proses instalasi sebelumnya. Jika browser Anda menampilkan homepage seperti di bawah ini maka proses instalasi Anda sudah berjalan dengan sukses.
    Oracle XE Homepage

Mengkonfigurasi Alokasi Memori

Oracle XE dapat berjalan dengan lancar pada komputer dengan memori hanya 512 dengan sistem operasi Windows XP. Secara default biasanya Oracle akan mengalokasikan ± 128MB sebagai System Global Area (SGA). Langkah ini mungkin perlu Anda lakukan jika Anda memiliki kapasitas memori yang terbatas, atau Anda hanya ingin mengalokasi memori bebas yang lebih besar untuk menjalankan program lain, seperti Visual Studio IDE.

Sebelum kita berlanjut lebih jauh, ada baiknya jika kita terlebih dahulu memperjelas bagaimana oracle mengalokasikan memori sistem. Seperti yang sudah disebutkan di awal bab ini, ketika sebuah instance database oracle berjalan, maka oracle akan mengalokasikan memori untuk bebrapa keperluan, pertama adalah memori untuk menjalankan program-program yang residen di background, kedua adalah memori untuk SGA, dan ketiga adalah memori untuk Program Global Area (PGA).

System Global Area (SGA) bagian memori yang akan digunakan secara berbagi pakai di antara semua user yang terkoneksi ke database. Data berbagi pakai ini misalnya adalah buffer cache yang berisikan data dalam yang paling sering digunakan, serta shared pool yang berisikan perintah-perintah SQL yang sering digunakan. SGA dialokasikan pada saat database pertama kali dijalankan dan memiliki nilai maksimum. Perubahan terhadap nilai maksimum SGA baru akan berpengaruh setelah database di-restart.
Untuk mengubah target SGA, lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut ini:

  1. Pastikan bahwa Anda masih login sebagai Administrator, seperti yang dijelaskan pada bagian sebelumnya.
  2. Tekan tombol kiri mouse Anda pada icon Administration, kemudian pada icon Memory.
    Configure SGA
  3. Kemudian pilih link Configure SGA pada bagian Tasks.
  4. Ubahlah nilai target SGA sesuai keingnan Anda, namun pastikan nilai SGA tidak kurang dari 80MB, karena jika kurang dari 80MB oracle database Anda tidak akan berjalan.
    Apply SGA Change
  5. Tekan tombol [Apply Changes].
  6. Kemudian bukalah dialog services melalui Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, kemudian pilihlah service OracleServiceXE. Tekan tombol kanan mouse Anda dan kemudian pilih Restart.
  7. Refresh page Memory di browser, maka alokasi SGA database Anda sudah berubah.

Sedangkan Program Global Area (PGA) adalah bagian memori yang dialokasikan untuk setiap sesi atau koneksi database dan berisikan informasi khusus milik sesi atau koneksi bersangkutan. Salah satu penggunaan yang umum adalah untuk melakukan sorting terhadap data yang diminta oleh user bersangkutan. Nilai dari PGA bukanlah nilai maksimum seperti halnya SGA, namun lebih berupa target total akumulai memori yang dialokasikan untuk semua sesi atau koneksi database. Kalaupun kemudian alokasinya melebihi target, maka oracle sebisa mungkin akan mengubahnya sampai mendekati target. Perubahan terhadap nilai PGA akan langsung berpengaruh pada saat sesi atau koneksi berikutnya.
Untuk mengubah target PGA, lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut ini:

  1. Pastikan bahwa Anda masih login sebagai Administrator, seperti yang dijelaskan pada bagian sebelumnya.
  2. Tekan tombol kiri mouse Anda pada icon Administration, kemudian pada icon Memory.
  3. Kemudian pilih link Configure PGA pada bagian Tasks.
  4. Ubahlah nilai target SGA sesuai keingnan Anda, namun pastikan nilai SGA tidak kurang dari 80MB, karena jika kurang dari 80MB oracle database Anda tidak akan berjalan.
    Apply PGA Change
  5. Tekan tombol [Apply Changes].

Mengaktifkan User HR

Schema atau user HR adalah contoh schema yang disediakan secara default pada semua edisi Database Oracle. Secara default schema ini terkunci (locked) sehingga kita harus mengaktifkannya terlebih dahulu sebelum dapat menggunakannya. Untuk mengaktifkan schema HR lakukanlah langkah-langkah berikut ini:

  1. Pastikan bahwa Anda masih login sebagai Administrator, seperti yang dijelaskan pada bagian sebelumnya.
  2. Tekan tombol kiri mouse Anda pada icon Administration, kemudian pada icon Database Users.
  3. Tekan tombol kiri mouse Anda pada icon HR untuk menampilkan detail informasi dari user tersebut.
    HR Icon
  4. Under Manage Database User, enter the following settings:
  5. Untuk Password dan Confirm Password: ketikkan hr untuk passwordnya.
  6. Pada Account Status: Pilih Unlocked.
  7. Untuk Roles: Pastikan bahwa CONNECT dan RESOURCE sudah diberi tanda cek.
    Apply HR User Changes
  8. Tekan tombol Alter User.

Login sebagai user HR

Untuk menguji apakah user HR sudah benar-benar aktif, maka kita dapat mencoba untuk login ke database menggunakan user HR.

  1. Saat ini seharusnya Anda masih login sebagai user SYSTEM, terlihat pada pojok kiri atas Database Home Page. Log out dari user SYSTEM dengan cara menekan tombol kiri mouse pada link Logout pada pojok kanan atas Database Home Page.
  2. Pada halaman yang muncul, klik link Login.
  3. Setekah muncul Login Page, masukkan hr sebagai username dan password.
  4. Database Home Page akan muncul seperti gambar di bawah ini.
    After Login Using HR User

Ada sedikit perbedaan pada Database Home Page yang tampil ketika kita login sebagai HR, yaitu munculnya icon Application Builder. Icon ini tidak muncul ketika kita login sebagai user SYSTEM atau SYS.
Application Express adalah sebuah lingkungan pengambangan aplikasi dekalaratif (development environtment) yang di-hosting dalam Oracle Database untuk membuat aplikasi database berbasis web. Application Express bersifat deklaratif karena tidak memperkenalkan bahasa pemrograman baru, dan saat kita membangun aplikasi web menggunakan Application Express kita hanya perlu menentukan data yang akan ditampilkan beserta posisinya pada halaman web – deklaratif. Semua informasi ini akan disimpan sebagai metadata dalam database Oracle.

Ketika aplikasi dijalankan, secara realtime, engine Application Express akan membaca metadata yang tersimpan dalam database tersebut dan merender halaman web sesuai dengan deklarasi yang kita buat sebelumnya.

Saya akan membahas lebih jauh mengenai Application Express dalam posting-posting selanjutnya. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Application Express, Anda dapat melihatnya di