oracle magazine free download dunia database programmerOracle Magazinepublishes some small amount of Oracle news every 60 days, and that’s not an apology or false modesty on behalf of the magazine. Oracle generates far more news about products, strategy, and tech-nology in a two-month period than we could possibly fit in the pages of this publication. (Take a look at the Oracle press release feed at to see what I mean—and to search for the latest Oracle news.)

Information technology news is also the kind of news that benefits from several dif-ferent approaches, formats, and presenta-tions. Oracle Magazinestrives to present Oracle news in news briefs and interviews, community briefs, customer reference stories, technology how-to content, and anal-ysis. But even these variations are not enough to guarantee that organizations have the news they need to see the potential impact the latest Oracle products, strategy, and tech-nology could have on their own operations.

Fortunately, as the volume of news about Oracle and Oracle technology has continued to expand, it has gotten easier to sepa-rate into components and address with a tighter focus. The aforementioned Oracle press releases are now broken into bite-size bullets, suitable as launch points for social media conversations. Oracle Web pages, data sheets, white papers, customer case studies, and newer-media assets including podcasts, Webcasts, and videos present new infor-mation in all sizes, to fit the time you have and the approach you’re looking for when exploring any area of Oracle technology.

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